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    :Test of Essential Academic Skills - Math Problem Solving
  • Certification
    :Test of Essential Academic Skills
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  • Total Questions
    :103 Q&As
  • Last Updated

TEAS Test of Essential Academic Skills TEAS-SECTION-3 Questions & Answers

  • Question 1:

    Two students were practicing the use of a scale. They each weighed an identical object 5 times. Student A got weights of 103, 104, 105,106, and 107 pounds for the object, and student B got 101, 103, 105, 107, and 109 pounds for the same object.

    Which of the following statements best describes the average and variation in their results?

    A. The two students got the same average weight and each had 5 measurements so the variability was the same.

    B. Student B got a higher average weight than student A and the same range.

    C. Student B got a higher average weight than student A and higher range.

    D. The two students got the same average weight, but student B had a higher range of measurements

    and more variability.

  • Question 2:

    The graph shows the number of sunspots and the measurement of a variable that estimates the average global temperature ("the temperature proxy").

    Which of the following statements best describes the correlation between these 2 measurements?

    A. Sunspots were not correlated with temperature between 8,000 and 6,000 years ago and were negatively correlated with temperature from about 2,000 years ago to the present.

    B. Sunspots were not correlated with temperature between 8,000 and 6,000 years ago and were positively correlated with temperature from about 2,000 years ago to the present.

    C. Sunspots were negatively correlated with temperature between 8,000 and 6,000 years ago and were negatively correlated with temperature from about 2,000 years ago to the present.

    D. Sunspots were negatively correlated with temperature between 8,000 and 6,000 years ago and were positively correlated with temperature from about 2,000 years ago to the present.

  • Question 3:

    Referring to the graphic, what is the meaning of this statement? "Median household income was roughly $51,000."

    A. The average of all the reported household incomes was $51,000.

    B. Most of the households had an income of $51,000.

    C. Half of the households reported an income below this level and half reported an income above this level.

    D. The average household income was $51,000 less than the maximum household income.

  • Question 4:

    The figure shows two types of data distribution.

    The distribution represented by graph B is best described as __________.

    A. skewed right

    B. symmetric

    C. bimodal

    D. skewed left

  • Question 5:

    The pie chart shows the percentage of computers using a given web browser when they visited the Wikimedia Commons site over the period of one month.

    If 500 computers used Opera during that time, what was the total number of computers that visited the site?

    A. A total of 5,000 computers visited the site.

    B. A total of 2,500 computers visited the site.

    C. A total of 100,000 computers visited the site.

    D. A total of 10,000 computers visited the site.

  • Question 6:

    In the figure, which of the angles are acute angles?

    A. angles A4 and A6

    B. angles A1 and A4

    C. angles A2 and A3

    D. There are no acute angles in the figure.

  • Question 7:

    The figure shows a graph of the speed of a test vehicle, plotted every second for 6 seconds during an experiment.

    Which of the following statements best describes the motion of the vehicle during this time?

    A. The vehicle starts by moving slowly and continues to pick up speed during the entire time.

    B. The vehicle slows down at first, then picks up speed during the last 2 seconds of the time measured.

    C. The vehicle is moving rapidly at the start of measurement and slows down to a stop at the end.

    D. The vehicle moves at the same speed the entire time.

  • Question 8:

    In the figure, the lines L3 and L4 have the same slope.

    Which of the following terms best describes their relationship?

    A. transversals

    B. parallel

    C. perpendicular

    D. There is no relationship between these lines.

  • Question 9:

    A football player scored the following number of field goals in eleven games:

    1, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2

    What is the modal score?

    A. 0

    B. 3

    C. 1

    D. 2

  • Question 10:

    In the figure, which pair(s) of labeled angles are equal to each other?

    A. angles A1 and A4

    B. angles A2 and A3 C. both angle pairs A2 and A3 and A1 and A4

    D. angles A4 and A6

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