Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :National Council for Interior Design Qualification
  • Certification
    :Test Prep Certifications
  • Vendor
    :Test Prep
  • Total Questions
    :45 Q&As
  • Last Updated

Test Prep Test Prep Certifications NCIDQ Questions & Answers

  • Question 1:

    The designer for the interior furnishings of a large public hospital project financed with bond money has assisted the city government in preparing the bidding documents. When the bids from five qualified contractors are open, they are all over budget, ranging from 4% to 10% over the approved costs.

    What should the designer do?

    A. Recommend that the city accept the lowest bid and obtain the extra 4% from other sources

    B. Begin to study ways to reduce the project scope so it meets the budget

    C. Suggest that the project be rebid because the lowest bid is so close to the budget

    D. Wait for the city to tell the designer how it wants to proceed

  • Question 2:

    Which of the following is the LEAST effective for maximizing indoor air quality?

    A. Conducting a post-occupancy evaluation

    B. Developing a maintenance manual

    C. Planning separate rooms for large copiers

    D. Specifying materials with low VOCs

  • Question 3:

    The two most important factors in determining the number of exits required for a particular room or space are __________.

    A. Occupancy and the distance from the room exit to the building exit

    B. The exit widths and common path of egress travel

    C. The occupant load and building size

    D. The occupancy and the occupant load

  • Question 4:

    A perspective is the best drawing type to use when presenting to a client because it __________.

    A. Is the quickest method of rendering space

    B. Most accurately shows vertical dimensions relative to the viewer

    C. Is most like the way space and objects are perceived

    D. Offers the widest choice of view points

  • Question 5:

    Buildings constructed prior to which year is likely to contain spray-on fireproofing and insulation containing asbestos?

    A. 1968

    B. 1970

    C. 1973

    D. 1978

  • Question 6:

    Certified contractors are required to abate all of the following hazardous materials EXCEPT __________.

    A. Asbestos

    B. Lead

    C. PCBs

    D. Radon

  • Question 7:

    An interior design project that carried a gold rating has been designed and certified under which of the following systems?

    A. Greenguard

    B. Green Seal

    C. ISO 14000

    D. LEED

  • Question 8:

    Which of the following agricultural products is NOT used in the production of panel products?

    A. Bagasse

    B. Poplar

    C. Rice straw

    D. Wheat straw

  • Question 9:

    The absolute minimum fresh air ventilation rate recommended by ASHRAE Standard 62 is __________.

    A. 5 cfm/person (3 L/s/person)

    B. 10 cfm/person (5 L/s/person)

    C. 15 cfm/person (8 L/s/person)

    D. 20 cfm/person (10 L/s/person)

  • Question 10:

    The building commissioning of an interior design project seeking LEED credit is the responsibility __________.

    A. Building architect

    B. Independent commissioning team

    C. Project's interior designer

    D. Project's mechanical engineer

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