Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :Foundation Certificate in Business Analysis
  • Certification
    :ISEB Certification
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :160 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Apr 18, 2024

ISEB ISEB Certification ISEB-BA1 Questions & Answers

  • Question 1:

    Which of the following actions could sustain business change?

    A. Develop the coaching skills of selected staff members.

    B. Establish clear benefits for selected, powerful stakeholders.

    C. Retain the previous system and its associated processes.

    D. Ensure that improved staff performance is not rewarded.

  • Question 2:

    What is the business analyst doing when he or she compares the BAM with the current business situation?

    A. Conceptual modelling.

    B. Analysing perspective.

    C. Gap analysis.

    D. Defining CATVVOE.

  • Question 3:

    An IT department needs to upgrade its hardware to run the new version of an established operating system. The cost of this required upgrade is $2 million. As an alternative, the IT director has suggested that the company should change to a completely different operating system. Although this will cost $6 million, the change will bring many other benefits, including cheaper maintenance costs and increased security. What is the avoided cost in his proposal?

    A. $2 million.

    B. $4 million.

    C. $6 million.

    D. $8 million.

  • Question 4:

    The entity relationship model below shows the relationship between Customer and Order. Which of the following business rules is correct?

    A. An order may be placed by many customers.

    B. A customer may place many orders.

    C. A customer may never place an order.

    D. An order need not be placed by a customer.

  • Question 5:

    Which of the following lists includes only activities that are defined as support activities in the value chain?

    A. Firm infrastructure, service, marketing and sales.

    B. Inbound logistics, outbound logistics, operations.

    C. Procurement, technology development, human resource management.

    D. Service, procurement, firm infrastructure.

  • Question 6:

    Which of the following would be an appropriate name for a use case that allows a project manager to allocate resources to a project?

    A. Assign resources.

    B. Resource.

    C. Project Manager.

    D. Project.

  • Question 7:

    A business analyst wishes to show that a company wants to store information about different types of product. Some attributes are common to every product (for example; product name) but other attributes only apply to certain product types. For example, product material only applies to accessory products. Which of the following constructs could the business analyst use to represent this on a class model?

    A. An association class.

    B. A many-to-many multiplicity.

    C. A generalisation structure.

    D. An <> structure.

  • Question 8:

    Which of the following would BEST be managed with the "keep satisfied" stakeholder management strategy?

    A. Those with high power/influence and no interest in the project.

    B. Those with high power/influence and some interest in the project.

    C. Those with some power/influence and high interest in the project.

    D. Those with some power/influence and some interest in the project.

  • Question 9:

    Which of the following represents the total cash flows of an investment, over a period of time, adjusted to reflect the time value of money?

    A. The Internal Rate of Return.

    B. The Time to Payback.

    C. The Net Present Value.

    D. The Return on Investment.

  • Question 10:

    The senior managers of an organisation recognise that they employ knowledgeable, committed staff. Under which category of a SWOT will this be recorded?

    A. Weaknesses,

    B. Opportunities.

    C. Threats.

    D. Strengths.

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