Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :CA Performance Management r2.x Professional Exam
  • Certification
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :50 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Apr 19, 2024

CA Professional CAT-440 Questions & Answers

  • Question 1:

    In the Data Aggregator, what is the purpose of collections?

    A. To group devices for data collection

    B. To restrict users from viewing collected data

    C. To categorize sites with similar monitoring requirements

    D. To collect metric data into logical categories such as location or significance

  • Question 2:

    Sue White is a Global Administrator who logs into a recently configured tenant as a tenant administrator. Why might Sue need to do this?

    A. Because this enables Sue to monitor tenants using a read-only view ofsettings configured by the tenant

    B. Because this is the standard way to create the Custom Vendor Configuration template that Sue can use for all future tenants

    C. Because this enables Sue to administer the tenant from the tenant perspective and perform tasks such as creating IP domains and user accounts

    D. Because as a Global Administrator who logs in as a tenant administrator,Sue can perform additional tasks that a tenant administrator would not be able to perform

  • Question 3:

    Sue White logs into CA Performance Center as the Global Administrator. When Sue uses the Admin menu to administer a tenant:

    A. she is granted a tenant user perspective.

    B. she will be able to view all tenant spaces.

    C. she will only be able to view Default Space items.

    D. she is granted a tenant administrator perspective.

  • Question 4:

    You want to make sure that a custom vendor certification supports its parent family for applicable devices. Which steps should you perform? (Choose three)

    A. Run the soapUIopen source testing utility.

    B. Run a discovery to ensure that applicable devices are modeled.

    C. Update the appropriate metric family in the Data Aggregator UI.

    D. Set the logging level to DEBUG in the log4j.xml file for the Data Collector component.

    E. Examine the dashboard or view that uses the metrics to confirm that expected and reasonable values are being polled.

  • Question 5:

    A. Help icons bring you to the correct section of the online help.

    B. Information on users and roles is available in the Data Aggregator guide only.

    C. Online help is solely accessible from the Help link in the upper-right corner of the CA Performance Center UI.

    D. The administration guides might save you time when you are attempting an unfamiliar administrative operation.

  • Question 6:

    In CA Performance Management, metric families are used to tie the vendor certifications to:

    A. Monitoring profiles

    B. Tenant groups

    C. SNMP profiles

    D. IPdomains

  • Question 7:

    When you create a custom vendor certification, which steps do you need to perform? (Choose three)

    A. Select a metric family.

    B. Specify a vendor name.

    C. Define a metric expression.

    D. Create a notification profile.

    E. Select a management information base (MIB).

  • Question 8:

    To log into a specific server and uninstall a Data Collector, which account do you use?

    A. Root

    B. Admin

    C. IT Operator

    D. Any user with access to the server

  • Question 9:

    How can Data Collector poll logs help you troubleshoot? (Choose two)

    A. They help you to address user login problems.

    B. They enable you to examine SNMP traffic between a Data Collector and a specific IP address.

    C. They help you to debug synchronization problems between CA Performance Center and the Data Aggregator.

    D. They help you to resolve issues such as unexpected dashboard values and metric family discovery not working.

  • Question 10:

    Which step enables you to validate the installation of CA Performance Center?

    A. Check that the Vertica database can be stopped and restarted.

    B. Run ps-aef I grep java and examine the running java processes.

    C. Check that the Data Collectors are able to connect to the MySQL database.

    D. Successfully log in to the CA Performance Center console from a supported web browser.

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