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  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :ISEB ISTQB Certificate in Software Testing
  • Certification
    :ISEB Certification
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  • Total Questions
    :42 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Apr 17, 2024

ISEB ISEB Certification BH0-004 Questions & Answers

  • Question 1:

    Which of the following is a purpose of the review lanning phase?

    A. Log defects.

    B. Explain the documents to the participants.

    C. Gather metrics.

    D. Allocate the individual roles.

  • Question 2:

    Which of the following combinations correctly describes a valid approach to component testing:

    i) Functional testing of the component in isolation. ii) Structure-based testing of the code without recording incidents. iii) Automated tests that are run until the component passes. iv) Functional testing of the interfaces between modules.

    A. i and ii.

    B. i, ii and iii

    C. iii.

    D. ii and iv

  • Question 3:

    Which of the following is TRUE?

    A. Confirmation testing is testing fixes to a set of defects and Regression testing is testing to establish whether any defects have been introduced as a result of changes.

    B. Confirmation testing is testing to establish whether any defects have been introduced as a result of changes and Regression testing is testing fixes to a set of defects.

    C. Confirmation testing and Regression testing are both testing to establish whether any defects have been introduced as a result of changes

    D. Confirmation testing and Regression testing are both testing fixes to a set of defects.

  • Question 4:

    Which activity in the fundamental test process creates test suites for efficient test execution?

    A. Implementation and execution.

    B. Planning and control.

    C. Analysis and design.

    D. Test closure.

  • Question 5:

    A thermometer measures temperature in whole degrees only. If the temperature falls below 18 degrees, the heating is switched off. It is switched on again when the temperature reaches 21 degrees. What are the best values in degrees to cover all equivalence partitions?

    A. 15, 19 and 25.

    B. 17, 18, and 19.

    C. 18, 20 and 22.

    D. 16, 26, and 32.

  • Question 6:

    You have designed test cases to provide 100% statement and 100% decision coverage for the following fragment of code.

    if width > length then biggest_dimension = width else biggest_dimension = length end_if The following has been added to the bottom of the code fragment above. print "Biggest dimension is " and biggest_dimension print "Width: " and width print "Length: " and length How many more test cases are required?

    A. One more test case will be required for 100 % decision coverage.

    B. Two more test cases will be required for 100 % statement coverage, one of which will be used to provide 100% decision coverage.

    C. None, existing test cases can be used.

    D. One more test case will be required for 100% statement coverage.

  • Question 7:

    Given the following fragment of code, how many tests are required for 100% decision coverage?

    if width > length then biggest_dimension = width if height > width then biggest_dimension = height end_if else biggest_dimension = length if height > length then biggest_dimension = height end_if end_if

    A. 3

    B. 4

    C. 2

    D. 1

  • Question 8:

    Which of the following is a MAJOR task of test implementation and execution?

    A. Measuring and analysing results.

    B. Reporting discrepancies as incidents.

    C. Identifying test conditions or test requirements.

    D. Assessing if more tests are needed.

  • Question 9:

    What is beta testing?

    A. Testing performed by potential customers at the developers location.

    B. Testing performed by potential customers at their own locations.

    C. Testing performed by product developers at the customer's location.

    D. Testing performed by product developers at their own locations.

  • Question 10:

    As part of which test process do you determine the exit criteria?

    A. Test planning.

    B. Evaluating exit criteria and reporting.

    C. Test closure.

    D. Test control.

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