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    :Test of Essential Academic Skills - Sentence Correction
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    :Test of Essential Academic Skills
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    :80 Q&As
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TEAS Test of Essential Academic Skills TEAS-SECTION-2 Questions & Answers

  • Question 1:

    What does the sympathetic portion of the autonomic nervous system control?

    A. breathing

    B. the "fight or flight" response to threats

    C. shivering when cold

    D. swallowing

  • Question 2:

    What name is given to the space between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of the next?

    A. the band gap

    B. nerve impulse

    C. the neurotransmitter

    D. the synapse

  • Question 3:

    Which of these is not regulated by the parasympathetic nervous system?

    A. increased glandular activity

    B. slowed heart rate

    C. increased intestinal activity

    D. constricted blood vessels

  • Question 4:

    Which valves are responsible for the sound of the heartbeat?

    A. the hypertension valves

    B. the atrioventricular and semilunar valves

    C. the systole valves

    D. the hydraulic and solenoid valves

  • Question 5:

    What set of signals is the vagus nerve responsible for conveying?

    A. signals from the eye

    B. signals from the jaw

    C. balance signals from the inner ear

    D. signals from abdominal organs

  • Question 6:

    The autonomic nervous system can be divided into two branches.

    What are they?

    A. sympathetic and nervous

    B. sympathetic and parasympathetic

    C. central and peripheral

    D. central and somatic

  • Question 7:

    In this diagram of the brain, some of the labels are missing.

    What should the labels be?

    A. 1. cerebral cortex, 2. thalamus, 3. medulla oblongata, 4. pons

    B. 1. cerebellum, 2. grey matter, 3. thalamus, 4. hindbrain

    C. 1. forebrain, 2. midbrain, 3. brain stem, 4. pons

    D. 1. hippocampus, 2. fornix, 3. midbrain, 4. pons

  • Question 8:

    Carbohydrates are macromolecules that can be divided into three main types.

    Name the types of carbohydrates.

    A. monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides

    B. monosaccharides, polysaccharides, and glycosidic bonds

    C. lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids

    D. sugar, starch, and proteins

  • Question 9:

    Pea plants can self-pollinate (sperm and eggs both come from the same plant) or they can cross-pollinate (sperm and eggs come from different plants). Gregor Mendel used this to study heredity. He found that if he took a plant that only produced yellow peas and crossed it with a plant that only produced green peas, all the offspring would only produce yellow peas. On the other hand, if he left the offspring (all yellow pea plants) alone and let them self-pollinate, then the second generation had a ratio of 3:1 yellow to green pea plants. Thus, Mendel could demonstrate that some traits are "dominant" while others are "recessive."

    Referring to this passage, what could Gregor Mendel conclude from the result of his experiment with green and yellow pea plants?

    A. Green peas are a recessive trait.

    B. Pea plants have carbohydrates, like starch, that are coded for by their DNA.

    C. Inbreeding of pea plants causes mutations.

    D. All traits come in pairs and there is always a dominant trait and a recessive trait.

  • Question 10:

    Gregor Mendel used pea plants to conduct experiments on genetics and heredity. He grew approximately 29,000 plants to study seven characteristics: flower color, seed texture, seed color, stem length, pod color, pod texture, and flower position. Mendel was able to demonstrate that these characteristics were passed from one generation to the next and that the offspring could inherit the characteristics from either one, or from both, of the parent plants.

    Referring to the passage, tell why it was important that Gregor Mendel used a large number of plants in his experiments into genetics and heredity?

    A. Pea plants are susceptible to disease, so he needed a lot of them to make sure enough would survive to adulthood to allow him to draw his conclusions.

    B. With a large number of plants, he could demonstrate that the results didn't just happen by chance.

    C. It wasn't important at all ?pea plants produce lots of seeds, so he planted them all to see what would happen.

    D. Plants don't have as many genes as animals, so he needed more of them to study genetics properly.

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