Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officers Standards and Education
  • Certification
    :Test Prep Certifications
  • Vendor
    :Test Prep
  • Total Questions
    :641 Q&As
  • Last Updated

Test Prep Test Prep Certifications TCLEOSE Questions & Answers

  • Question 1:

    When participating in the Operation Identification property marking program, citizens should engrave what personally applied number on their property?

    A. their license plate number

    B. their social security number

    C. their tax identification number

    D. their drivers license number

  • Question 2:

    A citizen neighborhood watch volunteer coordinator best describes the neighborhood watch program as:

    A. a vigilante group program whereby neighbors take control and apprehend criminal violators within their neighborhood

    B. a neighborhood awareness program which increases more communications (about suspicious activity) between neighborhood and area law enforcement, during daily lifestyle functions, in order to reduce criminal opportunity and victimization

    C. a law enforcement program where patrol officers do not want assistance from the neighborhood

    D. a program where the law enforcement administrators promise the neighborhood a patrol unit exclusively assigned to their neighborhood

  • Question 3:

    When a police officer makes security recommendations to a building owner, he must:

    A. go into as much detail as possible so the owner can get the best security hardware on the market

    B. after evaluating the security risks, make recommendations which are the most cost effective

    C. not concern himself with previous burglaries reported at the building

  • Question 4:

    When conducting a security survey, a police officer should have a systematic approach to his recommendations, by utilizing the "three lines of defense" which include:

    A. frontal barriers, lateral barriers, and perimeter barriers

    B. lighting, doors, and alarms

    C. perimeter, building exterior, and building interior

    D. primary barriers, secondary barriers, and alternative barriers

  • Question 5:

    The basic unit in the police effort is:

    A. detectives

    B. traffic

    C. patrol

    D. vice

  • Question 6:

    A crime prevention security survey is:

    A. the inspection of all plumbing, electrical, and structural components of a building to ensure they meet City ordinance guidelines

    B. an in-depth on-site examination of physical facility and surrounding property to identify crime risks and to offer recommendations which could reduce the risk

    C. taking the measurements of all rooms inside a structure to determine proper size doors and windows were used at the time of construction

  • Question 7:

    An automobile patrol, when conferencing with another patrol, an officer should:

    A. avoid staying on main arterial routes

    B. park where he can readily be seen

    C. park in a dark area with lights out

    D. meet only on the police parking lot

  • Question 8:

    There are three basic patrol patterns. These are:

    A. criss-cross,double-back, flexible

    B. double-back, random, and circular

    C. grid, criss-cross, and random

    D. double-back, flexible, and grid

  • Question 9:

    A good general rule of procedure for any officer taking police action in a one-person patrol unit is to:

    A. notify communications

    B. request assistance

    C. unsnap his/her sidearm

    D. keep the vehicle motor running

  • Question 10:

    A characteristic of apprehension patrol tactics is:

    A. low visibility

    B. high visibility

    C. surveillance

    D. (a) and (c) are correct

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