Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :SOFE Certified Financial Examiner
  • Certification
    :SOFE Certification
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :416 Q&As
  • Last Updated

SOFE SOFE Certification SOFE-CFE Questions & Answers

  • Question 1:

    A company normally will generate maximum after-tax return on investments by investing in tax exempt instruments.

    A. True

    B. False

  • Question 2:

    The reasons for allocating surplus usually relate to profit measurement and below which of the following is the example of allocation:

    A. rate of return pricing

    B. internal company profit measures by business segment

    C. certain state excess profit laws

    D. All of the above

  • Question 3:

    What should define and communicate the goals and directions of the insurance company's economic activity during the current and following one or two fiscal years?

    A. auxiliary plan

    B. benefit plan

    C. strategic plan

    D. budget plan

  • Question 4:

    _____________ is an attempt to allocate the excess of an insurance company to segments of a company's business.

    A. Spare allocation

    B. Surplus allocation

    C. Contingency distribution

    D. Eventuality

  • Question 5:

    A ____________ allocation resembles a straight-line method for spreading the cost over the period of benefit.

    A. amortization fee

    B. fixed fee

    C. production fee

    D. operational fee

  • Question 6:

    Variable and semi-variable methods include an allocation based upon a usage or production basis.

    A. True

    B. False

  • Question 7:

    A process of improving performance by continuously identifying, understanding and adopting outstanding practices and processes found inside and outside the organization is called:

    A. Benchmarking

    B. Flowcharting

    C. Capital budgeting

    D. None of the above

  • Question 8:

    Which phase subjects a capital expenditure proposal to review by all departments capable of passing judgment on the procedural aspects?

    A. Planning phase

    B. Modeling phase

    C. technical evaluation phase

    D. economic criterion phase

  • Question 9:

    What is a refinement of the insurance company's definition of its overall objective and business and includes the company's vision, mission and objective?

    A. Operational plan

    B. Long-term plan

    C. Managerial Act

    D. strategic plan

  • Question 10:

    What must integrate various operating programs and project the funds required to support the programs and evaluate whether the insurance company realistically can generate the needed resources?

    A. Operational plan

    B. Long-range plan

    C. Managerial Act

    D. Integration plan

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