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  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :SOA Technology Concepts
  • Certification
    :Certified SOA Architect
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :91 Q&As
  • Last Updated

SOA Certified SOA Architect S90.02 Questions & Answers

  • Question 1:

    Each WSDL __________________ can define a set of __________________ and/or __________________ messages to express data exchange requirements. Select the correct answer.

    A. operation, type, RPC

    B. operation, input, output

    C. function, type, RPC

    D. function, operation, type

  • Question 2:

    Which of the following statements is true? Select the correct answer.

    A. One way in which REST services are different from components is that components each expose their own technical interface (or technical contract), whereas REST services share a single uniform contract.

    B. One way in which REST services are different from components is that components typically exchange data using HTTP, whereas REST services typically exchange data using binary protocols.

    C. One way in which REST services are different from components is that components cannot themselves become services. Instead, components are used by services, such as REST services.

    D. One way in which REST services are different from components is that components cannot exchange data remotely (across server boundaries), whereas REST services are designed to be distributed.

  • Question 3:

    The acronym SOAP was originally defined as: Select the correct answer.

    A. Simple Object Access Protocol

    B. Service-Oriented Access Protocol

    C. Service Object Access Parameters

    D. Simple Object Acknowledgment Protocol

  • Question 4:

    REST stands for: Select the correct answer.

    A. Representational State Transfer

    B. Relational State Transport

    C. Repository Stack Target

    D. Released Semantic Transport

  • Question 5:

    Like components, SOAP-based Web services can be developed using vendor tools. Unlike components, the communications framework established by SOAP-based Web services can be based on industry standards thereby remaining vendor-neutral. Select the correct answer.

    A. True

    B. False

  • Question 6:

    XPath expressions are often used by: Select the correct answer.

    A. XSLT and XQuery

    B. XSLT and WSDL

    C. XQuery and SOAP

    D. XQuery only

  • Question 7:

    UDDI stands for: Select the correct answer.

    A. Universal Definition, Direction, and Intelligence

    B. Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration

    C. United Discovery, Data, and Interoperability

    D. United Document, Definition, and Interchange

  • Question 8:

    Which of the following technologies are fundamental to REST service design? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY

    A. HTTP

    B. WSDL

    C. MEP

    D. RPC

  • Question 9:

    Which of the following technologies can be used to establish a federated data architecture capable of exposing standardized data models while abstracting disparate data sources? Select the correct answer.

    A. XML Schema

    B. XQuery

    C. WS-BPEL

    D. WS-Federation

  • Question 10:

    A common, but older alternative to the XML Schema Definition Language is: Select the correct answer.

    A. Hypertext Markup Language

    B. Extensible Markup Language

    C. Document Type Definitions

    D. XML Data Model Definition Language

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