Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :Registry Examination for Advanced Pulmonary Function Technologists
  • Certification
    :Test Prep Certifications
  • Vendor
    :Test Prep
  • Total Questions
    :111 Q&As
  • Last Updated

Test Prep Test Prep Certifications RPFT Questions & Answers

  • Question 1:

    A patient who is about to begin pulmonary function testing is visibly upset and complains to a pulmonary function technologist that she felt a receptionist was rude to her. Which of the following should the technologist do?

    A. Try to get the patient to calm down by telling her that the receptionist is probably just having a bad day.

    B. Give the patient time to calm down and ask the laboratory manager to become involved.

    C. Ignore the complaint because it is not going to affect the testing about to begin.

    D. Accompany the patient back to the reception area and try to determine who was at fault.

  • Question 2:

    During daily quality control procedures on an infrared CO2 analyzer, a pulmonary function technologist is unable to adjust the gain to the calibration gas concentration. Which of the following is the most likely explanation?

    A. Water droplets in the sample cell

    B. Saturation of the soda lime

    C. Presence of high levels of oxygen

    D. Increased gas sampling rate

  • Question 3:

    Which of the following is an appropriate reason to perform a multiple-breath nitrogen washout test?

    A. Measure anatomical dead space.

    B. Differentiate obstruction from restriction.

    C. Detect early small airway disease.

    D. Measure oxygen consumption.

  • Question 4:

    While assessing a patient's expired gases at rest prior to exercise, a pulmonary function technologist calculates the RER as 0.6. Which of the following is the most likely explanation?

    A. The patient has an elevated VDAVT

    B. A gas analyzer is malfunctioning

    C. The expired gas is contaminated with air

    D. The patient is hyperventilating

  • Question 5:

    Which of the following is a suitable policy for following Standard Precautions in a pulmonary function laboratory?

    A. Eye protection is required when obtaining ABGs from patients with hepatitis.

    B. Reusable mouthpieces should be disposed when a patient has a history of tuberculosis.

    C. Gloves are optional when obtaining arterial blood samples using a kit

    D. Reusable mouthpieces should be disinfected between each patient.

  • Question 6:

    A 54-year-old male who smokes presents to the pulmonary laboratory for chronic cough and dyspnea on exertion. PFT and blood gas results show the following:

    Which of the following should the pulmonary function technologist recommend?

    A. DLco measurement

    B. Oxygen therapy with exercise

    C. Trial of varenicline (Chantix)

    D. Lung volume measurement

  • Question 7:

    To check the reliability of a pulse oximeter reading, a pulmonary function technologist should

    A. Calculate the SaO2 from pH and PaO2

    B. Perform hemoximetry

    C. Measure the hematocrit

    D. Have the patient hyperventilate

  • Question 8:

    The following results are obtained from an adult male: The corrected DLco value

    A. is unchanged.

    B. is higher.

    C. is lower.

    D. cannot be calculated.

  • Question 9:

    A patient's vital capacity is slightly reduced, the FEWFVC is normal, and the uncorrected DLco is increased. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

    A. diffuse pulmonary fibrosis

    B. diaphragmatic hemiparesis

    C. kyphoscoliosis

    D. polycythemia vera

  • Question 10:

    In setting up a CO analyzer, a pulmonary function technologist notices that the analyzer reads -0.03 while sampling air. The technologist should

    A. Accept the reading because it is within ?3%.

    B. Adjust the reading to +0.03.

    C. Adjust the reading to 0.00.

    D. Reverse the sample flow.

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