Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ Certification Exam
  • Certification
    :CompTIA IT Fundamentals+
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :405 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Apr 24, 2024

CompTIA CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ FC0-U61 Questions & Answers

  • Question 1:

    A gaming console needs to allow for inbound connectivity on a home network to facilitate chat functions. Which of the following devices is a user MOST likely to configure to allow this?

    A. Cable modem

    B. Wireless router

    C. Access point

    D. Network switch

  • Question 2:

    A company wants its employee to use an email client that downloads and removes messages from the email server. Which of the following protocols must be configured in the email client to facilitate this?

    A. POP3

    B. IMAP

    C. ICMP

    D. SMTP

  • Question 3:

    A computer technician is assigned a ticket to install a laptop for a new employee. Due to the arrangement of the workspace, the employee requests that the laptop be installed with the cover closed. Which of the following would be required to satisfy this request? (Choose two.)

    A. Printer

    B. Mouse

    C. Webcam

    D. External hard drive

    E. Speakers

    F. Display

  • Question 4:

    A business would like to create an employee portal that employees will have access to when they are at work. The employees will not be able to connect to the portal from home without a VPN connection. Which of the following types of application does this describe?

    A. Local application

    B. Intranet application

    C. Extranet application

    D. Internet application

  • Question 5:

    Meaningful and accurate reporting is essential to retailers in making business decisions while managing inventory. Which of the following offers the BEST assistance in generating reports?

    A. Data capture and collections

    B. Asset inventory inputs

    C. Sales statistics

    D. Average loss output

  • Question 6:

    A global variable called `age` will be created in a program and incremented through the use of a function. Which of the following data types should be defined with the age variable?

    A. Integer

    B. Float

    C. Double

    D. String

  • Question 7:

    A company has installed an application that only requires a workstation to function. Which of the following architecture types is this application using?

    A. One-tier

    B. Two-tier

    C. Three-tier

    D. n-tier

  • Question 8:

    Which of the following WiFi security options would create the MOST need for a VPN connection on the client device?

    A. Open

    B. WEP

    C. WPA

    D. WPA2

  • Question 9:

    Which of the following BEST describes a technology that allows multiple users to create and edit reports at the same time?

    A. Text file on a shared drive

    B. Managed relational database

    C. Informational intranet page

    D. Locally installed productivity software

  • Question 10:

    Which of the following BEST describes the purpose of a vector in programming?

    A. Storing a collection of data

    B. Repeating a similar operation

    C. Capturing user input

    D. Performing mathematical calculations

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