Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :Docker Certified Associate (DCA) Exam
  • Certification
    :Docker Certified Associate
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :166 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Apr 09, 2024

Docker Docker Certified Associate DCA Questions & Answers

  • Question 1:

    Will this command display a list of volumes for a specific container? Solution: docker volume inspect nginx'

    A. Yes

    B. No

  • Question 2:

    You are troubleshooting a Kubernetes deployment called api, and want to see the events table for this


    Does this command display it?

    Solution: kubectl events deployment api

    A. Yes

    B. No

  • Question 3:

    Which one of the following commands will show a list of volumes for a specific container?

    A. 'docker container logs nginx --volumes'

    B. 'docker container inspect nginx'

    C. 'docker volume inspect nginx'

    D. 'docker volume logs nginx --containers'

  • Question 4:

    Is this an advantage of multi-stage builds?

    Solution: optimizes Images by copying artifacts selectively from previous stages

    A. Yes

    B. No

  • Question 5:

    You add a new user to the engineering organization in DTR.

    Will this action grant them read/write access to the engineering/api repository?

    Solution: Add the user directly to the list of users with read/write access under the repository's Permissions


    A. Yes

    B. No

  • Question 6:

    A service 'wordpress' is running using a password string to connect to a non-Dockerized database service. The password string is passed into the 'wordpress' service as a Docker secret. Per security policy, the password on the database was changed. Identity the correct sequence of steps to rotate the secret from the old password to the new password.

    A. Create a new docker secret with the new password. Trigger a rolling secret update by using the 'docker secret update' command

    B. Trigger an update to the service by using 'docker service update --secret='

    C. Create a new docker secret with the new password. Remove the existing service using 'docker service rm'. Start a new service with the new secret using "--secret="

    D. Create a new docker secret with a new password. Trigger a rolling update of the "wordpress" service, by using "--secret-rm" and "--secret-add" to remove the old secret and add the updated secret.

  • Question 7:

    If installing Docker using devicemapper for storage with the Intent to run production workloads, how should devicemapper be configured

    A. direct-lvm

    B. loop-lvm

    C. overlay-lvm

    D. aufs-lvm

  • Question 8:

    Is this a way to configure the Docker engine to use a registry without a trusted TLS certificate? Solution: Pass the '--insecure-registry' flag to the daemon at run time.

    A. Yes

    B. No

  • Question 9:

    What is the purpose of a client bundle in the Universal Control Plane?

    A. Authenticate a user using client certificates to the Universal Control Plane

    B. Provide a new user instructions for how to login to the Universal Control Plane

    C. Provide a user with a Docker client binary compatible with the Universal Control Plane

    D. Group multiple users in a team in the Universal Control Plane

  • Question 10:

    Is this a Linux kernel namespace that is disabled by default and must be enabled at Docker engine runtime to be used?

    Solution: net

    A. Yes

    B. No

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