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  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :ISAQB Certified Professional for Software Architecture - Foundation Level (CPSA-FL)
  • Certification
    :ISAQB Certified Professional For Software Architecture (CPSA)
  • Vendor
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    :43 Q&As
  • Last Updated

ISQI ISAQB Certified Professional For Software Architecture (CPSA) CPSA-FL Questions & Answers

  • Question 1:

    Choose the most desirable characteristics of interfaces. (Choose three.)

    A. Easy to extend

    B. Geared towards the capabilities of the provider

    C. Clear descriptions of assertions and prerequisites

    D. As few parameters as possible

    E. Scalable to many consumers

    F. Remotely callable

    G. Hard to misuse

  • Question 2:

    Select the two most appropriate methods for evaluating the reliability of a software system. (Choose two.)

    A. Determining the number of `lines of code'

    B. Measurement of `Mean-Time-between-Failure'

    C. Execution of performance tests

    D. Determination of the cyclomatic complexity

    E. Conducting an ATAM evaluation

  • Question 3:

    What are known patterns for the adaptation of interfaces? (Choose two.)

    A. Bridge

    B. Tower

    C. Observer

    D. Wall

  • Question 4:

    Which of the following statements about (crosscutting) concepts are most appropriate? (Select four.)

    A. The definition of appropriate concepts ensures the conceptual integrity of the architecture.

    B. Concepts are a means to increase consistency.

    C. For each quality goal there should be an explicitly documented concept.

    D. Uniform exception handling is most easily achieved when architects agree with developers upon a suitable concept prior to implementation.

    E. A concept might be implemented by a single building block.

    F. Uniform usage of concepts reduces coupling between building blocks.

    G. A concept can define constraints for the implementation of many building blocks.

  • Question 5:

    Which three artifacts does the assessment team create when conducting an ATAM evaluation? (Choose three.)

    A. Architecture-specific chapters of the quality management manual

    B. The concrete quality tree

    C. Description of quality scenarios

    D. A quality model

    E. Architecture documentation

    F. Selection of the quality attributes of the architectural building blocks

    G. List of the architectural risks

  • Question 6:

    What do you have to take into account when designing external interfaces? (Choose three.)

    A. Volatility of neighbouring systems

    B. Adequate usage of the broker pattern

    C. Protocols enforced by neighbouring systems

    D. Expected amount of parallel calls

    E. Ease of implementation

    F. Effect on the coupling in the building block view

  • Question 7:

    Which elements should be defined in the white-box view of a software building block 'foo'? Select the three most important elements. (Choose three.).

    A. The dependencies of the internal building blocks of 'foo'

    B. The legal contracts with the suppliers of the internal building blocks of 'foo'

    C. The algorithms of the internal building blocks of 'foo'

    D. The internal building blocks of 'foo'

    E. The rationale for the decomposition of the building block

    F. The sizes (in lines of code) of the internal building blocks of 'foo'

  • Question 8:

    Which of the following principles apply to testing? (Choose two.)

    A. In general, exhaustive testing is not possible.

    B. Where many errors exist, more errors are usually hidden.

    C. Sufficient testing will show that a program is free of errors.

    D. Error-free test runs also mean: the software is usable.

  • Question 9:

    Which of the following statements apply to design patterns? (Choose two.)

    A. Design patterns are not invented but discovered.

    B. Design patterns should always be described alongside the problem they are supposed to solve.

    C. Design patterns are formally defined and can thus be proven to be correct.

    D. The number of design patterns used is proportional to the software architecture's quality.

  • Question 10:

    Which of the following statements are correct? (Choose two.)

    A. The push operation usually places a new element onto a stack.

    B. A stack acts exactly like a queue.

    C. A stack is organized according to the FIFO principle.

    D. A stack usually only provides access to one element at a time.

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