Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :ASVAB Section two : Arithmetic Reasoning
  • Certification
    :ASVAB Certifications
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :263 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Apr 18, 2024

ASVAB ASVAB Certifications ASVAB-SECTION-2 Questions & Answers

  • Question 1:

    What's the total amount of carpeting needed to carpet all three bedrooms?

    A. 384 square yards

    B. 128 square yards

    C. 216 square yards

    D. 88 square yards

  • Question 2:

    In a manufacturing plant that produces new computers, a 0.15 probability exists that a computer will be defective.

    If five computers are manufactured, what's the probability that all of them will be defective?

    A. 7.6

    B. 0.60

    C. 0.00042

    D. 0.000076

  • Question 3:

    A crate containing a puppy weighs 60 pounds, 5 ounces. The puppy weighs 43 pounds, 7 ounces. How much does the crate alone weigh?

    A. 16 pounds, 8 ounces

    B. 16 pounds, 2 ounces

    C. 17 pounds

    D. 16 pounds, 14 ounces

  • Question 4:

    A recruit has $30.00. He saw some camouflage socks for $3.95 a pair. How many pairs of socks can he buy?

    A. 9

    B. 7

    C. 6

    D. 4

  • Question 5:

    A street vendor sells $25.70 worth of pretzels on Friday, $32.30 on Saturday, and $31.80 on Sunday. He spends a fourth of the money over the weekend.

    How much money does he have left?

    A. $89.80

    B. $22.45

    C. $44.90

    D. $67.35

  • Question 6:

    A recipe calls for 8 ounces of black beans or red beans. The cheapest option to buy and use would be __________.

    A. two 4-ounce cans of black beans at $0.79 each

    B. one 8-ounce can of red beans at $1.49

    C. two 3-ounce cans of black beans at $0.59 each

    D. three 3-ounce cans of red beans at $0.65 each

  • Question 7:

    Two bicyclists head toward each other from the opposite ends of Main Street, which is six miles long. The first biker started at 2:05 going 12 mph. The second biker began peddling 4 minutes later at a rate of 14 mph.

    What time will they meet?

    A. 2:13

    B. 2:24

    C. 2:29

    D. 2:34

  • Question 8:

    A bin of bolts at the hardware store contains 7-dozen bolts when full. The stock clerk is supposed to reorder bolts when the bin is 1/6 full.

    How many bolts are in the bin when it's time to reorder?

    A. 14 bolts

    B. 1 bolt

    C. 84 bolts

    D. 12 bolts

  • Question 9:

    Sarah found a wallet containing $500 in the street. She returned the wallet to its owner, who gave her a $30 reward.

    What percentage of the $500 was the reward?

    A. 5%

    B. 6%

    C. 7%

    D. 4%

  • Question 10:

    A 3-yard-long ribbon was used to trim four dresses. Each dress used the same amount of ribbon. How much ribbon was used for each dress?

    A. 1 yard

    B. 2/3 yard

    C. 1/2 yard

    D. 3/4 yard

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