Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :ACP Cloud Computing
  • Certification
    :Alibaba Cloud Computing
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :70 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Apr 18, 2024

Alibaba Alibaba Cloud Computing ACP-CLOUD1 Questions & Answers

  • Question 1:

    An enterprise hosts their servers (include both Linux and Windows servers) in a traditional IDC Every night hackers with IP addresses from many countries try to crack the password of their servers, making the administrator terribly worried about this However because of work requirements the remote management port of these servers must be opened to public network.

    The administrator heard that Alibaba Cloud has solutions that can help customers improve the security of their systems Therefore, he/she wants to migrate the system to Alibaba Cloud. Which of the following functions should the administrator activate in Alibaba Cloud to reduce the possibility of brute force password cracking?

    A. Cloud Firewall

    B. Anti-DDoS Origin Basic Edition

    C. CloudMonitor

    D. Security Center

  • Question 2:

    Recently, response speed of a certain Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance is unacceptably slow. By using CloudMonitor we discovered that the ECS instance utilizes more than 80% of the assigned bandwidth. Which of the following approach can address this issue and without the need to reboot the ECS instance?

    A. Upgrade the bandwidth of the ECS instance

    B. None of the above

    C. Upgrade the CPU and memory of the ECS ins

    D. Add a disk to the ECS instance

  • Question 3:

    When a customer uses Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS) service and finds there exist an amount of Internet downstream traffic, he/she can use Alibaba Cloud Content Delivery Network (CDN) service to reduce the traffic cost. Because the Internet traffic cost of CDN is lower than that of OSS, moreover, the back-to- source traffic cost from CDN to OSS is also lower than a user access to OSS directly.

    A. True

    B. False

  • Question 4:

    A new media company uses a mobile app to provide news and information services. They utilize Auto Scaling to add/reduce ECS instances dynamically to address service traffic spikes.

    Based on the estimation of their service and technical personnel the company thinks they require 10 ECS instances during idle hours and 10 to 20 ECS instances (dynamically adjusted) during some busy hours, which are normally from 07:30

    to 09:00 and from 18:30 to 20:00 In the scaling group; they set the "Minimum number of instances" to 10 and "Maximum number of instances" to 20.

    To simplify deployment tasks and save costs, which of the following scaling modes should they choose?

    A. Healthy mode

    B. Scheduled mode

    C. Fixed quantity mode

    D. Event-triggered mode

  • Question 5:

    Alibaba Cloud SLB can distribute user requests to backend ECS instances. These ECS instances must have the same specification (CPU, Memory)

    A. True

    B. False

  • Question 6:

    Names of the files in each OSS bucket must be unique Also, they can be renamed.

    A. True

    B. False

  • Question 7:

    When you create an Alibaba Cloud VPC. a VRouter and a route table will be created automatically. Which of the following statements is NOT correct about the route table?

    A. Each VRouter may have multiple route tables.

    B. When a VPC is deleted, the corresponding route table is also deleted.

    C. This route table cannot be deleted

    D. The routing entries of the route table can not be modified manually.

  • Question 8:

    Many websites have suffered DDoS attacks of different volumes. Therefore, accurate understanding of DDoS attacks is critical to website security protection. Which of the following statements about DDoS attacks is the MOST accurate?

    A. The purpose of a DDoS attack is to steal confidential information.

    B. The main purpose of a DDoS attack is to prevent the target server from providing normal services. Currently, the DDoS attack is one of the strongest and most indefensible website attacks.

    C. A DDoS attacks crack the server's logon password by means of a massive number of attempts.

    D. DDoS attacks primarily target databases.

  • Question 9:

    For ECS and RDS instances under different Alibaba Cloud accounts but in the same region, which of the following statements is NOT correct for migrating self-built MySQL databases (running on ECS) to RDS?

    A. The data can be imported via the Intranet

    B. The data cannot be migrated.

    C. The data can be imported via the public network.

    D. The data can be imported by running mysqldump.

  • Question 10:

    The difference between public and private Server Load Balancers (SLBs) is that private SLBs connect to their backend ECS instances using the private network (Intranet) while public SLBs connect to their backend ECS instances using the public network (Internet).

    A. True

    B. False

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