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    :Aruba Certified Clearpass Professional v6.2
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    :140 Q&As
  • Last Updated

Aruba ACCP ACCP-V6.2 Questions & Answers

  • Question 1:

    Refer to the screen capture below:

    Based on the Access Tracker output for the user shown above, which of the following statements is true?

    A. A NAP agent was used to obtain the posture token for the user.

    B. The authentication method used is EAP-PEAP.

    C. A Healthy Posture Token was sent to the Policy Manager.

    D. A RADIUS-Access-Accept message is sent back to the Network Access Device.

    E. The Aruba Terminate Session enforcement profile is applied because the posture check failed.

  • Question 2:

    Refer to the screen capture below: Based on the posture plugin configuration shown in the above screen, which of the following statements is true?

    A. Check for any antivirus software enabled for all versions of Windows OS.

    B. Check for any antivirus software enabled for Windows 7.

    C. Check for AVG antivirus software enabled and is latest for Windows 7.

    D. It is using the OnGuard dissolvable agent to perform the antivirus/antispyware checks.

    E. It is using auto remediation for Windows 7 clients.

  • Question 3:

    Refer to the screen capture below:

    Based on the Posture Policy configuration shown above, which of the following statements is true?

    A. This Posture Policy can be applied to an 802.1x wired service.

    B. This Posture Policy checks the health status of devices running Windows, Linux and Mac OS

    C. This Posture Policy can use either the persistent or dissolvable OnGuard agent to obtain the statement of health.

    D. This Posture Policy checks for presence of a firewall application in Windows devices.

    E. This Posture Policy checks with a Windows NPS server for posture tokens.

  • Question 4:

    Which of the following statements is NOT true about OnGuard? (Choose 2)

    A. It is used to identify and remove any malware/viruses.

    B. It is used to ensure that Antivirus/Antispyware programs are running and are up to date as desired.

    C. It supports both Windows and Mac OS X clients.

    D. It only supports 802.1X authentication.

    E. It supports both a persistent and web based agent.

  • Question 5:

    Which of following is true for both the persistent and dissolvable versions of OnGuard? (Choose 2)

    A. Ability to bounce the endpoint

    B. Auto-remediation is available

    C. Gather statement of health information for network authorization

    D. Supports Windows, Mac OS X devices

    E. They need to be installed on the client devices.

  • Question 6:

    Which of the following is NOT a valid type of Posture Token?

    A. Unknown

    B. Healthy

    C. Quarantine D. Unhealthy

    E. Infected

  • Question 7:

    What does the Posture Token QUARANTINE imply?

    A. The client is compliant. However, there is an update available to remediate the client to HEALTHY state.

    B. The posture of the client is unknown.

    C. The client is infected and is a threat to other systems in the network.

    D. The client is out of compliance.

    E. The client is out of compliance, but has HEALTHY state.

  • Question 8:

    Refer to the screen capture below:

    Based on the above Enforcement Profile configuration, which of the following statements is correct?

    A. The Enforcement Profile sends an unhealthy role value to the Network Access Device.

    B. The Enforcement Profile sends a limited access vlan value to the Network Access Device.

    C. The Enforcement Profile sends a message to the OnGuard Agent on the client device.

    D. The Enforcement Profile sends a message to the OnGuard Agent on the Controller.

    E. A RADIUS CoA message is sent to bounce the client.

  • Question 9:

    Which of the following types of Posture Token sources are available on Clearpass? (Choose 2)

    A. Posture Policy

    B. Endpoint Profiler

    C. Microsoft NPS Server

    D. Active Directory

    E. Aruba Controller

  • Question 10:

    Which of the following checks are made with OnGuard posture evaluation in Clearpass? (Choose 3)

    A. Peer-to-peer application checks

    B. Client role check

    C. EAP TLS certificate validity

    D. Registry keys

    E. Operating System version

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