Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :Network Appliance NetCache
  • Certification
    :NAC-NA Certification
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :160 Q&As
  • Last Updated

NetApp NAC-NA Certification NS0-170 Questions & Answers

  • Question 1:

    A C2100 appliance uses _____ to _____ disk drives.

    A. one, seven

    B. two, seven

    C. one, three

    D. two, three

  • Question 2:

    NetCache appliances use RAID ___ with ___ parity disk(s) and ____ or more data disks.

    A. 5, 1, 1

    B. 4, 1, 1

    C. 4, 2, 2

    D. DP, 2, 1

  • Question 3:

    A packet trace captured by the NetCache can ____ .

    A. be sent to another host in real time

    B. capture traffic to/from a specific IP address

    C. be stored only on disk

    D. capture traffic to/from a specific port number

  • Question 4:

    Which one is the CLI equivalent command for installing, committing, and rebooting a NetCache software image from the NetCache GUI assuming the server path is

    A. install

    B. download -i -c -r

    C. install -dcr

    D. download -icr

  • Question 5:

    Which one of the following NetCache Utility feature captures packets arriving or leaving on the network interfaces?

    A. snoop

    B. pktt

    C. tcpdump

    D. capture

  • Question 6:

    To add a user to the appliance database, you must enter the _____ and the _____ .

    A. user name

    B. access permissions

    C. password

    D. group

  • Question 7:

    Which one of the following commands will display routing tables for the NetCache appliance?

    A. routestat

    B. sysstat 1

    C. netstat -m

    D. ifstat -a

  • Question 8:

    Which TWO of the following resources are used by the NetCache to build its routing table?

    A. static routing table entries

    B. ICMP redirects

    C. OSPF routing updates

    D. RIP routing updates

  • Question 9:

    To open a Network Appliance support ticket, you must access ____ at the NOW site.

    A. Submit a RMA

    B. Submit a BURT

    C. Submit a Case

    D. Submit a support ticket

  • Question 10:

    Assuming user Betty is a member of the Engineering group , which statement most accurately describes what would happen if she made a request for www.microsoft.com considering the following ACL policy? auth any allow group Execs deny group Engineering and smartfilter gambling deny any

    A. The request is successful.

    B. The request is denied because of a Smartfilter match.

    C. The request is denied.

    D. The request is successful but redirected to a gambling website.

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