When the Magento configuration is being loaded, all the XML files in app/etc and the module registration files under app/etc/modules/ are loaded first. After that step, in which order are the following items loaded?
Configuration from the core_config_data DB table
The etc/config.xml of all active modules
A. 1, 3, 2
B. 3, 1, 2
C. 3, 2, 1
D. 1, 2, 3
Which one of the following controller classes could respond to this URL?: http://example.com/modulename/controller/index
A. Namespace_ModuleName_IndexControllet:
B. Namespace_ModuleName_Controller_Controllerlndex
C. Namespace_ModuleName_Controller_lndexController
D. NamespacG_Modulename_ControllerController
You have a product collection and want to add a filter to get all products whose name starts with Test or whose price is 0.00. Which of the following statements would add that OR condition?
A. B. C. D. E.
The final price for the product on the product view page is .
A. taken from the catalog_product_index_price table
B. taken from the catalog_product_index_price_idx table
C. taken from the catalog_product_index_price_final_idx table
D. calculated on-the-fly on php-level
E. pre-calculated in the products price attribute
Which of the following items is NOT utilized in Magentos implementation of EAV-based data models?
A. An entity table for storing the entities' basic information
B. One or more tables to store the entities' associated pieces of information
C. A two-column cross-link table to associate attribute values with a corresponding entity
D. Foreign keys on each relevant table to connect relevant pieces of information at the database level
E. An attribute table that defines what data (and of what type) may be stored on a particular entity
What is the difference between the base grand total and grand total attributes of the order?
A. base_grand_total is a grand total before tax is applied; grand_total is the grand total after tax is applied.
B. base_grand_total is the grand total at the moment of order submission; grand_total is the grand total at the moment of order closing.
C. base_grand_total is the grand total in the currency of the store where the order was submitted; grand_total is in US dollars always.
D. base_grand_total is in a base currency and grand_total is in the currency of the website where the order was submitted.
A valid way to extend Mage_Adminhtml_Cms_PageController with the Acme_Cms_Adminhtml_PageController class would be to set the following configuration:
Which of the following code pairs should be inserted in the blank spots in the code shown above?
A. Mage_Adminhtml, Acme_Cms_Adminhtml
B. Mage_Adminhtml, Acme_Cms_Adminhtml_PageController
C. Mage_Adminhtml_Cms_PageController, Acme_Cms_Adminhtml
D. Mage_Adminhtml_Cms_PageController, Acme_Cms_Adminhtml_PageController
How can you make a payment method store entire credit card numbers?
A. For security reasons, there are no native ways for doing that.
B. Pass the credit card number to the payment method: it will be stored automatically.
C. Change the protected property of payment method $_canSaveCc to true.
D. Configure your method to save the card number by setting 1 to the following xpath: default/payment/_NAME_/save_cc
Which of the following options would cause a poll/poll collection to load all entities that have been posted during April, 2011?
A. $collection->addAttributeToFilter('date_posted', array('from' => '2011-04-01', 'to' => '2011-04-30') );\
B. $collection->addFieldToFilter('date_posted', array('from' => '2011-04-01', 'to' => '2011-04-30') );
C. $collection->addPostDateFilter('2011-04-01', '2011-04-30');
D. $collection->addFieldToSelect(('date_posted', arrayCfrom' => '2011-04-01', 'to' => '2011-04-30') );
Given a grid interface that extends from Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid, which of the following methods could you override to allow data to be loaded from a custom data collection?
A. _prepareDataModel
B. _prepareCollection
C. _initDataModel
D. _initGrid
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