Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :Cloud Technology Concepts
  • Certification
    :Certified Cloud Computing Specialist
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :86 Q&As
  • Last Updated

SOA Certified Cloud Computing Specialist C90-02A Questions & Answers

  • Question 1:

    In a cloud balancing environment, routing criteria can be based on which of the following factors? Select the correct answer.

    A. load balancing of cloud-based IT resources

    B. on-premise service usage

    C. cloud bursting thresholds

    D. None of the above. Cloud bursting does not utilize routing logic.

  • Question 2:

    The encryption security mechanism can help mitigate which of the following security threats? Select the correct answer.

    A. malicious intermediary

    B. insufficient authorization

    C. overlapping trust boundary

    D. All of the above.

  • Question 3:

    The single sign-on security mechanism helps mitigate which of the following threats? Select the correct answer.

    A. malicious intermediary

    B. denial of service

    C. virtualization attack

    D. None of the above.

  • Question 4:

    Which of the following characteristics of cloud-based IT resources can be measured with Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) implementations? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY

    A. availability

    B. confidentiality

    C. reliability

    D. performance

  • Question 5:

    Which of the following are security threats that are directly related to the multitenancy cloud characteristic? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY

    A. XML parser attack

    B. virtualization attack

    C. overlapping trust boundary

    D. information leakage

  • Question 6:

    A successful attack on a virtual server within a public cloud will negatively impact multiple cloud consumers, as long as none of the cloud consumers share the same trust boundary that encompasses the underlying physical server. Select the correct answer.

    A. True

    B. False

  • Question 7:

    The mechanism is directly associated with the realization of the ubiquitous access cloud characteristic. Select the correct answer.

    A. resource replication

    B. state management database

    C. multi-device broker

    D. automated scaling listener

  • Question 8:

    Which of the following security threats is classified as a data-oriented threat? Select the correct answer.

    A. insufficient authorization

    B. malicious intermediary

    C. overlapping trust boundary

    D. virtualization attack

  • Question 9:

    With cloud-based security groups, a separation of network segments is performed. Each IT resource then becomes a member of security group(s). Select the correct answer.

    A. logical, only one

    B. physical, only one

    C. logical, one or more

    D. physical, one or more

  • Question 10:

    is a form of dynamic scaling whereby on-premise IT resources can scale into a cloud when pre-defined thresholds are reached. Select the correct answer.

    A. Resource leveling

    B. Resource replication

    C. Resource virtualization

    D. None of the above.

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