Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :IBM i 7.1 Administration
  • Certification
    :IBM Certified System Administrator
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :164 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Feb 11, 2025

IBM IBM Certified System Administrator C4040-129 Questions & Answers

  • Question 1:

    An administrator is creating a new connection to an existing system, but cannot connect successfully. Which action will resolve the problem?

    A. Create a user profile for the connection.

    B. Delete, recreate, and test the connection.

    C. Enable the user profile for the connection.

    D. Change the connection to be the Management Central system.

  • Question 2:

    An administrator needs to create a profile for a user, named User1 that is able to access the entire system except for the PAYROLL library.

    What should the administrator do to achieve this?

    A. Create a group profile named ITADMIN.Create a user profile named User1 with *ALLOBJ authority and make it a member of ITADMIN. Grant the ITADMIN group *EXCLUDE authority to the library PAYROLL.

    B. Create a group profile named ITADMIN.Create a user profile named User1 with *ALLOBJ authority and make it a member of ITADMIN. Grant the user profile named User1 `EXCLUDE authority to the library PAYROLL.

    C. Create a group profile named ITADMIN with *ALLOBJ authority.Create a user profile named User1 with no special authority and make it a member of ITADMIN. Grant the ITADMIN group *EXCLUDE authority to the library PAYROLL.

    D. Create a group profile named ITADMIN with *ALLOBJ authority.Create a user profile named User1 with no special authority and make it a member of ITADMIN. Grant the user profile named User1 *EXCLUDE authority to the library PAYROLL.

  • Question 3:

    In the Work With Shared Pools panel shown, what is the meaning of the "Maximum" column under the "Size" section?

    A. The maximum amount of main storage that can be assigned to the pool in GB.

    B. The maximum percentage of the total main storage that can be assigned to the pool.

    C. The maximum amount of main storage that the automatic tuner will assign to the pool in GB.

    D. The maximum percentage of the total main storage that the automatic tuner will assign to the pool

  • Question 4:

    A customer has a database that is fully journaled, including remote journals. The overnight backup of the data, including access paths, completed normally.

    The system failed and the customer needs to recover on the remote journal system.

    After restoring the nightly save to the remote system, what must the administrator do to make the database usable on the remote system?

    A. Apply journal changes from the remote copy of the journal receivers to the restored data.

    B. Apply journal changes from the remote copy of the journal receivers to the restored data. EDTRBDAP to monitor the rebuild of the access paths.

    C. Restore the saved journals to the remote system.Apply journal changes from the remote copy of the journal receivers to the restored data. EDTRBDAP to monitor the rebuild of the access paths.

    D. Restore the saved journals to the remote system.Associate the remote receivers to the restored journals.Apply journal changes from the remote copy of the journal receivers to the restored data.

  • Question 5:

    According to IBM recommendations, which parameter setting should be applied when a new GROUP profile is created?

    A. Password parameter set to *NONE

    B. Group ID number parameter set to U

    C. User Class parameter set to *GROUP

    D. Initial Program to call parameter set to *NONE

  • Question 6:

    A tape cycle consists of 5 daily save tapes. After restoring a library from the Monday tape the administrator discovered that the library restored was from 2 weeks ago rather than last week. Which action will allow the administrator to restore the correct version of the library in the future?

    A. Modify the save procedure to initialize the tape prior to the save.

    B. Use the OMITLIB parameter on the restore to omit the older versions of the library.

    C. Use sequence number *LAST on the restore to restore the most recent version of the library.

    D. Use the POSITION parameter on the restore to specify *LASTSAV restoring only the most recent version.

  • Question 7:

    An administrator needs to see the system assigned job number and percent of processing unit time attributed to all jobs currently running. Which steps should the administrator take to accomplish this?

    A. WRKJOB JOB(t), option 3 to display job run attributes

    B. WRKACTJOB and press P11 two times to Display Thread Data

    C. WRKSYSACT INFTYPF(*JOBS) and press PIO to update the list

    D. WRKSYSSTS and press P19 to display Extended System Status

  • Question 8:

    A new sales user attempts to sign on to the system. The user is immediately signed oft. The users job log contains the message CPE981 0: Library SALESLIB not found.

    All sales applications are located in the ASP named SALES.

    Which parameter should the administrator set in the user profile to correct this error?

    A. JOBD




  • Question 9:

    During a migration the system is mistakenly IPLed. The data migration is successfully resumed and completed.

    When the administrator runs the RSTAUT command, no authorities are restored. What is the most likely cause of the problem?

    A. The RCLSTG command was not run before the data restore was resumed.

    B. The storage management directory was overlayed as a result of the IPL.

    C. The INZSYS command was not successfully run before restoring authorities.

    D. The private authority table loaded by the RSTUSRPRF command was automatically deleted by the system IPL.

  • Question 10:

    An administrator has been directed to set up server support for network appliances that use TFTP to download firmware updates. The files must be inaccessible by users, but available for appliances to download.

    An IFS directory "/FIRMWARE" has been defined, and the files loaded into it. Public access to both the directory and the file objects is *NONE.

    Using IBM i Navigator, which option correctly describes the remaining configuration steps to meet the requirements?

    A. Set *RX permissions for user profile QTCP on the directory and files in /FIRMWARE. Set the FTP server properties to enable TFTP access to directory /FIRMWARE.

    B. Set *RX permissions for user profile QTFTP on the directory and files in /FIRMWARE. Set the TFTP server properties to provide "read" access to directory/FIRMWARE.

    C. Set *RX permissions for user profile QSERVER on the directory and files in /FIRMWARE. Set the FTP server properties to enable anonymous FTP access to directory /FIRMWARE.

    D. Set *RX permissions for user profile QZLSFILE on the directory and files in /FIRMWARE. Set the IBM i NetServer server properties to enable TFTP access to directory /FIRMWARE.

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