Exam Details

  • Exam Code
  • Exam Name
    :Oracle Application Express 18: Developing Web Applications
  • Certification
    :Oracle Database
  • Vendor
  • Total Questions
    :77 Q&As
  • Last Updated
    :Apr 23, 2024

Oracle Oracle Database 1Z0-750 Questions & Answers

  • Question 71:

    Which two are true about an "editable" interactive grid? (Choose two.)

    A. All columns can be updated

    B. You can insert multiple records at a time

    C. You can define a computation

    D. You can update only one record at a time

    E. You can include dynamic actions on a column

  • Question 72:

    Sunny has developed a report and form on CUSTOMERS, which is open to partners. The report displays only customers associated with partners, based on their user credentials. Partners can click an Edit button to go to a form page to update their customers. Sunny is concerned that IT savvy users will be able to alter the URL to be able to see and update records from other partners.

    What must Sunny do to protect the form page from URL tampering?

    A. Update Page Access Protection to Arguments Must Have Checksum

    B. Set Authentication to Administration Rights

    C. Set Rejoin Sessions to Disabled

    D. Set Deep Linking to Disabled

    E. Update Page Access Protection to No URL Access

  • Question 73:

    Which four tasks can you perform using the Shared Components section in Application Builder? (Choose four.)

    A. Edit the No Data Found messages for multiple report regions in the application

    B. Manage translatable text messages for the application

    C. Review debug messages generated by the application

    D. Change the application alias

    E. Manage application upgrade scripts

    F. Change navigational components of the application

    G. Add different application roles and configure their role assignment

    H. Delete multiple application pages

  • Question 74:

    Brian created a page with multiple regions. He now wants to include a list of links to selectively display each region.

    How can Brian achieve this?

    A. Create a region of type Region Display Selector, and ensure that each region has Region Display Selector set to "Yes".

    B. Create a parent region called REGIONS. For each region, update the Parent Region attribute to REGIONS.

    C. Create a list in Shared Components containing each region. Create a region of type List and associated the list created.

    D. Define static IDs for each region. Create a region called REGIONS of type Static Content with named anchors to other regions.

  • Question 75:

    Michael has developed an app for tracking product defects. His navigation menu lists each product. He has defined application items and computations to hold the number of defects for each product. For example, for Hedgers, he has defined the application item HEDGER_DEFECTS.

    How can Michael add the number of open defects in the navigation menu entries?

    A. Update the Navigation Menu template to be Include Count.

    B. Update Template Options and set Display Count to True.

    C. Update the List Entry Label for Hedgers to Hedgers andHEDGER_DEFECTS., and similarly for other products.

    D. Add andHEDGER_DEFECTS. to User Defined Attribute 01 in the navigation menu for Hedgers, and similarly for other products.

  • Question 76:

    Which three actions can be performed by a workspace administrator? (Choose three.)

    A. Add space to a schema

    B. View usage reports for a workspace

    C. Manage user accounts

    D. Monitor workspace activity

    E. Manage workspace to schema assignments

    F. Approve workspace requests

  • Question 77:

    Which three item types support defining a list of values? (Choose three.)

    A. Color Picker

    B. List Manager

    C. File Browse

    D. Text Field with autocomplete

    E. Shuttle

    F. Switch

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